
Quality Boreholes

SSG Borehole

Enrich the quality of life by offering clean, safe and adequate water that meet the essential needs of all.
Present and future needs

Excellent Teamwork

To be the number one company in the East African region in the provision of water and related services by intimately understanding our customers’
We Always Ready to service

Connect with the Peoples


Our equipment’s are equipped to drill in all types of soils.
DTH – We can drill in the hard rock from 4 ½, 6’’ 8’’ 10’’ 12’’up to depths of 400 m. Rotary - we can drill in other types of soils from 6’’ 8’’ 10’’ 12’’ up to depths of 400 m.

Installation pf PVC Casing

We will installation plain and screen casings of minimum 103mm diameter and gravel packs approved quality collected from river beds.

Drilling Operations

A driller, water well contractor or water well consultant should ensure that all materials and equipment for drilling and installing any given well are available.
Working Together

We Achieve More

SSG Borehole with expertise in Well Drilling Service, Bore Well Service including consultation, Tube Well Drilling Service, Groundwater Investigation and Exploitation Service and Drilling in Coal & Gold Mines.

  • Projects Finished
  • Happy Clients
  • Hours of work

With More than20 Years of Experience

We take your goal to next level
So your customers can achieve more with it

SSG Borehole is one of best borewell drilling contractors. Only some contractors have their own drill rig and SSG Borewells is one such drill rig contractors who stood for establishing their own drill rigs. We are grateful to say that our position in the industry and society is completely a reward given by customers to our great services and we are very much thankful for what we have achieved.


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